Monday, 30 November 2020

Fleur Marvell and the Ingenious Inventions

the third and final volume of the 

Threepenny Tales 

Threepenny Tales
Fleur Marvell and the Ingenious Inventions

Inventive Adventures
of a 
Girl in a Revolution

The third in the 
Fleur Marvell and the Ingenious Inventions  
links to its predecessors The Adventures of Barnaby Twickins and Lily of Lonestorm through some characters, references and settings.
This Threepenny Tale is inspired by the 18th century fascination with science and experiments and by the French Revolution. 

Yet Ambrose's inventions are generally more fantastical and improbable and Fleur's Revolution is absurdity itself...

Fleur Marvell and the Ingenious Inventions

Fleur Marvell and the Ingenious Inventions


Fleur, Ambrose's lively and resourceful daughter braves abduction, stealth and subterfuge with her friends (a mouse, a cherub and a cheerful boy called Bruno) while the Revolution turns the whole world upside down and inside-out.

Monday, 28 September 2020


 Living up to Expectations

Spoiler Alert:

this post contains details which reveal plot elements of Little Miss Kiwi

Little Miss Kiwi
before the opening of the  Suez (1869) and Panama (1914) Canals, these were the routes between Britain and New Zealand

The last century saw a steady and continuous counter-emigration from former British colonies back to the 'Motherland'. Many such travellers settled permanently in Britain, making their own contribution to its culture and society.

Little Miss Kiwi is based on a true-life story of this kind of emigration, or, more exactly, on one principal story and several other subsidiary stories. It is intended as a homage to the trials and tribulations and eventual success of one of the many who made the journey.

Little Miss Kiwi
route via Panama Canal

At that time, and until the advent of cheaper phone calls and, more recently, free, instantaneous communications, letter-writing was the only reasonable means of keeping in touch with one's faraway loved ones.

Letter-writing took time and patience, and was only ever a partially satisfactory tool. Still, there was an anticipation and excitement in the sending and receiving of letters which have been lost in our age of instant gratification.

I hope to have rendered the flavour of those past times through Lucy's letters as they contrast and conflict with the actual events of her new life in a new land.