Saturday, 30 July 2022

THe SaVagEs aRe BaCk!

the second volume of

the Savages of Kipper Street series


so...ON with the Chaos...

If you've ever dreamt of:

saying what you really think in an art gallery; 

taking part in a talent show even if you can't sing or dance; 

playing a mean trick on your mean neighbours;


living wild, like in the Stone Age;

having a chat with the Queen;


going out with your whole family dressed as bogeymen;

crashing a dogshow


babysitting a farmful of animals...


our friends the SAvAgEs have been there and done that...and much more!

See what it's like!!

The much-awaited sequel to 

Savage Days 

continues the uproarious and chaotic adventures of the family from Kipper Lane.